What is an Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)?

Now-a-days we have a good 4G smartphone. We have more and more information and less and less time. The speed of loading pages is still a key factor for mobile phone users. It takes a long time for a page to load due to poor network connection or low internet speed or even the web page not optimized for a mobile device. At last, we either lose our mood or close that page.

The joint efforts of Google and Twitter found a solution for this, i.e. Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP). AMP was launched in competition to Facebook’s Instant Articles. Instant Articles downloads news contents 10 times faster on Facebook. AMP is an open source initiative and an innovative technology that can speed up the loading time of mobile websites. Implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages guidelines for websites can overcome the page drop due to low internet speed and mobile optimization challenges.

How does AMP work so fast?

Generally, for website creation, we use 3 programming languages.

HTML language is used while creating a new website and enables you to insert images, videos, and other media. CSS specifies the style of your document on a website. JavaScript is to create features such as menus, dialog boxes, animations, 2D and 3D graphics, interactive maps and video players.

Now let us learn them fully. Especially the AMP version of the three languages.

The usage of HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages in the AMP website is entirely different. The full version of these languages is not used in AMP. Or a reduced or streamlined form of the languages are used. Now just bite into these three components that make Accelerated Mobile Pages work faster.


It is an extended form of the basic HTML. This HTML has AMP properties in it that enables fast loading of web pages. AMP pages are found by search engines and other platforms through the HTML tag.


This version of JavaScript allows many actions to occur at the same time and in any order. So there is no blocking of any content from performing their roles. This is a major function of AMP JS.

AMP Cache

Cache in computer terms means to store data locally in order to get back those data quicker whenever you need. Google AMP Cache delivers valid AMP documents.

AMP HTML web pages are cached and load quicker whenever needed. This enables the faster loading of web pages on smartphones and tablets.

AMP and Better Mobile SEO Rankings

AMP is light, super-fast and more readable. Your website speed and SEO rankings are directly related. It’s one of the ranking metrics. If your website is mobile-friendly search engine will consider for higher ranking in organic mobile search results.  So, your website developed with AMP will rank higher in the mobile search engine results pages.

Business Benefits

  • Web page speed improves the user experience and core business metrics.
  • AMP pages load near instantly, enabling you to offer a consistently fast experience across all devices and platforms.
  • Building AMP pages is easy and reduces developer overhead.
  • We can often convert our entire archive in days especially if we use a popular CMS such as WordPress or Drupal.
  • AMP can be applied across various web touch points and global platforms like Google, Bing, and Twitter.
  • AMP allows you to ensure users from all these surfaces get an unparalleled, often instantaneous and native-feeling experience by defaulting to AMP pages when available.

Developer Benefits

  • Maintain flexibility and control and reduce complexity in your code.
  • We can use CSS to customize your styling, dynamic data to fetch the freshest data where needed, to build the best possible user experience for our customers.
  • Building blocks that ensure performance.
  • It takes a lot of time and effort to build a great website. AMP components are already optimized for the best performance.
  • Build for a sustainable future in the open web for everyone.
  • The AMP Project is an open source initiative to protect the future of the web helping everyone deliver a better, faster more user-friendly experience.

Interestingly, the development and maintenance of AMP are cheaper than building a native or hybrid mobile application. That’s why Application Performance Management listings were integrated into Google search in 2016 and developers are only moving forward with this. So the idea is that the whole platform is designed just for pure readability and pure speed.

Author: Ramya Swetha Bandaru – HR Manager
Source: https:www.punith.com

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